Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What d’ya know?

Houston may actually be a fun place to be. I just found out this weekend where to dance salsa, no entry charged. Goodness gracious. And I thought I would die stupid here. Turns out I may even learn some moves!
Anyway, last Friday I went to dance salsa with Clea, another italian girl who works in my lab. It was great fun! We thought there would be a salsa party, but it turns out that the party was only on Saturday. Ooooohhh. But there was a band playing… With 6 musicians!! And… they played really well!!!!!! First song: Me libere (I wanted to be able to put a mini-player so you could listen to it, but no luck there... I hope I can do it in the future). Last song: Rebelion. Weeee, I was in heaven, transported back to the company of my Colombian fellows in Groningen, shaking what my momma gave me at Hemingway’s! And I was reminded of my dearest friend Saletinha. Especially because the guy who was singing was extremely cute and I thought she would appreciate the style. And also because salsa and Saleta will always be associated in my mind! : )
The crowd there was mainly Latin Americans. Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Colombia were all represented there. So it was a very nice atmosphere, and no one would stay sitting down shaking their feet, because no respectful Latino lets a woman sitting down when it’s obvious she feels like dancing! I’m also getting familiar with Spanglish, the strange combination of English and Spanish words, in current conversations. “Oye, people, vamos, don’t be shy!” On Saturday, Clea challenged me again to go to the same place, finally to the salsa party. Logically, the band playing was much worse, and the music was not as nice as on Friday. The singer (a different guy) was even cuter, though.
Well, we had a lot a fun, plus 2 Coronas and a Margarita, so next day I was rewarded with a major headache. Life cannot be perfect.
I am writing this at a café called Salento, a really nice place with free wireless internet, jazz music playing, students around me silently typing in their laptops or pouring over books, so, all in all, a very cool place to spend a Sunday afternoon. It’s also really close to my place, in the heart of Rice Village, which is more or less the “chique” shopping area, a bit like Sunset Boulevard for LA (come on, you all saw Pretty Woman, don’t deny it!). Yeah, I live close by, ain’t I lucky??? No, because I’m a shoppaholic. It’s like Diego Maradona living close to a cocaine plantation. Bad, very bad. And everything faaaaar too expensive.
Well, this is it for today, now I’m going back home and meet my Italian neighbours for a walk and maybe dinner later. So hasta la vista, folks!!

PS – the sun keeps on shining here… I was told this was the best time of the year, because in Summer it is too damn hot. I leave you with a picture of me in front of Lovett Hall, a building here at Rice University. The University is old... around 80 years old... Ok, nothing compared to Lisbon University nor Groningen University... it is still a baby compared to those ancient homes of Knowledge and Science (pompous background music sounding...). But do not neglect the power of youth... As Dumbledore wisely says to Harry in HP and the HBP.
Code speaking. Reference to fictitious characters to validate arguments... Yeah, Potter-mania goes on.



Blogger Filipe said...

Weeeeeeeeee! Que animada anda a vidinha nos USA. Pelo que leio ainda não chegou a tua oportunidade de dizer "Houston, we have a problem", se bem que quando chegar esse calor manhoso de que falas vais ter muita vontade de o dizer.
Imagino a cara dos bartenders quando lhes pedes uma corona ou qualquer bebida alcoolica. Não desconfiam de teres um ID falso? Ainda por cima um ID de outro país deve ser ainda mais suspeito para eles. No outro dia, no dentista, perguntaram a idade à minha mais que tudo porque pensavam que ela era menor e seria necessário pedir autorização aos pais :))
Anyway I'm happy that everything's going great!
Muchos besitos

1:39 AM  
Blogger lique said...

Yeah... rica vida por aí! Estou vendo, dança-se, bebe-se uns copos, etc, etc... Trabalho que é bom, é para os americanos, não? :))
Beijinhos, até à próxima aparição no msn.

12:28 PM  
Blogger Aniek said...

he ana! that sounds like a great time you are having there! good to here that, salsa after all and nice people and cute singers surrounding you. Oef, I 'm jealous...warm weather, my toes freeze off here...:S keep up that good spirit! greets

3:56 AM  
Blogger A. said...

Que fixe! Blog novo e espectacular.
Como foste capaz de deixar esta bela localidade e mudares para os USA? Traidora :)
Um beijo muito grande de Groningen e boa sorte.
Ps-agora será mais fácil ver o que andas a fazer :)

12:43 AM  
Blogger puta_madre said...

I see you're having a lovely time... How's work? Are you getting anything done in between salsa parties?? lolll

Careful with that shopping addiction - when you feel the urge to shop... remember me, your adorable sister!!!

Big Sis

P.S. - Yes, I saw Pretty Woman and fyi (that's "for your information", in case you don't know :P) she went shopping at Rodeo Drive not Sunset Boulevard! Sunset was, shall we say, her "office"... Making a critical mistake like that after watching that movie so many times!Tss, tss. A real shopaholic would know :S :P

2:17 PM  
Blogger smallworld said...

But of course i do some work... who do you take me for, nee-san? Why, just today I did a whole bunch of things. I plated some dicty, I did some medium, I chatted on msn, gave advice to Clea on her love life (yes, me, why? and i didn't tell her to shoot him the hed repeetedly!), so as you can see i did many things...
Sorry about the mistake on Pretty Woman, of course it's Rodeo Drive... HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED IT?? Damn. ANyway. You got the idea. And I think her "office" was on Holywood Boulevard. But we would have to see the movie again to make sure. Do we want that? I don't think so.
Big kiss for the big sis!!

4:06 PM  
Blogger puta_madre said...

Still the "Pretty Woman" issue: Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood Boulevard (so you say! :P ) or Sunset Strip ??? Humm?? Come on people, which is it? The real question is: Who really gives a shit???

Speaking of shit, have you heard the expression " I shit you not!" ? Just wondering... I like it :D
Big Sis aka puta_madre

12:03 PM  
Blogger smallworld said...

Nope, haven't. But they've got plenty of weird expressions. I'll start collecting them. Some people do use the word "fuck" as if it was the commonest thing you can say. "What the fuck were you thinking, you fucking moron?" I heard people in the lab here speak like this to each other. They weren't mad, or anything. Just very foul-mouthed. And there is the "kosher" thing. Kosher is everyhting that has been blessed by a rabi, which i confess i didn't know. But they use this for behaviors and attitudes as well, with the meaning "orthodox", in totally unreligious contexts. Funny, he?

5:57 PM  

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