Friday, March 03, 2006

Sorry hoor

Hey guys,
Another week without a proper post. I've been busy all week doing megasized experiments, and today I realized it was in part for nothing because something went wrong. I know where it went wrong, I know why, more or less, and it's not entirely my fault. But a little, and it makes me feel that all my effort was pointless.
To cheer me up, I decided to change the image of the weblog, and I like it better like this, but with the old template went the old links to the Other Worlds out there that I like to visit from time to time. Now I have to put them all again. Sounds similar, somehow. Maybe this is a cursed week. I shouldn't do anything, because whatever I do turns into more trouble. I should stay home and eat icecream all day. Because the weather really asks for it. It's sunny, and warm, and the sky is blue (except for now because it's night time). Not that I've had chance to enjoy any of this. I think I'm sounding more and more like Marvin, the depressed robot from Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but maybe that's just because before sleeping I like to read the book.
Meanwhile I had a very good news! Maya was accepted in Cambridge! She may very well be going there to do her PhD. She is not yet sure about the scholarship, apparently, but I hope things turn out for the best!! Anyway, they say that she can always use the acceptance as a good thing for her CV, even if she never goes there. I can imagine Maya in a job interview in the future - "yeah, they accepted me, they really wanted me there, but you know how it is... a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do".
And really, there's not much more to tell. I keep going to dance tango, I'm getting better at it, fortunately... Salsa is put aside for sometime because last time we got bored to death in our very own Taco Milagro. Today was the Culture Fair, but I hope to tell you more about it when I have a picture illustrating it... I didn't bring my camera, so I'm waiting for someone to send me some pictures. But I can say how it ended. When we were leaving, Clea and me, we went by the stand of the Latin American students and they started to play "Macarena" and we ended up dancing the macarena in front of everyone there, with all the Latin American students gathered there. It was fun! But weird. Even more because after macarena they started playing Daddy Yankee, a Reggaeton group/artist/whatever, and his famous hit... "Gasolina". Need I say more? To some, I'm sure the picture is now complete, to others, maybe it's better that stays incomplete...
See y'all real soon and have a good one! (this is how texans wish a good day!)


Blogger lique said...

Desculpa lá, mas este verde alface não me convence. Pode ser fresquinho, mas custa a ler, bolas! E fere (só um bocadinho...) a vista. Se queres um look giro e diferente do habitual, diz aqui à mãe "técnica de blogs" que pode ser que se arranje... :)
Espero que o fim de semana e a próxima sejam melhores!
Beijinhos muitos

4:40 AM  
Blogger smallworld said...

ok, faz-me la um template como deve ser...
se es assim tao boa... eh que o outro era mto escuro, tava a deprimir-me. beijinho

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

baila comigo macarena!

he he

deves tê-los deixado de queixo caído, como me deixaste a mim a primeira vez que te vi dançar! tens o ritmo no corpo, mulher!

9:18 AM  
Blogger smallworld said...

Ehehe, eh dificil deixar latino-americanos de queixo caido. Ritmo-no-corpo is they're middle name. Respondo ao teu mail em breve, hoje nao tive mm tempo! Beijo, lenita

4:30 PM  
Blogger Aniek said...

hi Ana! oef, that sounds as my week..:S, but anayway nice to hear from you again! Labwork and tango and good whether that is nice! Well, I suppose it is obvious that this picture should be revealed, otherwise all you log-readers will die of curiosity ;) Oef, I should also write the next log, so much happened , and it gets more, so more to write, so I don't write then, that is a pity...Moreover, I don't succeed at addid pictures anymore, and I didnøt have time to solve that :S, well sounds like a lot of excuses...hahaha, I'll give it a try today or tomorrow, have funand good luck with the experiments!

7:01 AM  

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