Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Homesickness - part II or some other kind of sickness...

Today I feel sick. I know this weblog is supposed to make my friends know how I am, without them thinking I’m collapsing, but today I have to say I feel sick. Not sick in the sense my body is sick, but my mind feels sickened by many things in the lab where I’m working. All I can say is that I look forward to leave.
Sometimes I miss the Netherlands as if it was my home, I already said that. I miss the biking without the feeling of facing a danger beyond reason, I miss being able to do simple things without a car, like going to the movies, or better yet, going anywhere without a car. I miss Dutch people and their cold politeness, I miss what used to be my home, I even miss the rats in the kitchen, because rats are way better than cockroaches. Here there are a lot of cockroaches, which are probably the only living being that I would promptly choose to condemn to extinction, had I such powers. Keeping with the melancholic list of things that I miss, I miss my friends in Groningen, I miss the coffeeshops, I miss meeting Maya in the Grote Markt for another pathetic adventure ;), I miss talking to Saleta in galispaniguese (for those who don’t know, that’s a mix of Portuguese, Galician and Spanish), I miss the long coffee breaks with Aniek where everything from science to hopes and dreams is discussed thoroughly. I miss the sunsets in incredible colours.
But the other day I had a dream. I dreamt I was in a city, living there. The city had hills, converging to the center, and a light like I never found anywhere else but in Lisbon. The sunlight reflects on the white, yellow, baby blue buildings, and on the red tile roofs, creating a warm glow that tells me “you’re home”. And everyone in this city (which I still wasn’t sure to be Lisbon) spoke Portuguese. The little man in the kiosk selling newspapers, the ladies chatting on their way to the subway, everyone I met spoke Portuguese. In the dream I was astonished by this! How convenient, a foreign city where everyone is Portuguese. That’s just what I need. Then I realized I was dreaming about living in Lisbon, and woke up.
Truth be told, I am now so used to being away that it’s hard for me to name what I miss the most in Portugal. The habits are gone, and this is what we always feel that we miss. It was a long process of breaking the old habits and creating new ones, in fact creating a whole new life, from scratch. The only things left now of my life in Portugal are feelings. Feelings for people, feelings for places. And going back to these people and these places is like putting on a pair of old and extremely comfy shoes. You may feel sexier in a new, more fashionable pair of shoes, but these still hurt in critical places of your feet. The other shoes are so worn that they know where to bend, where to be soft, where to be hard. But perhaps you need both types of shoes.
Enough with the shoe analogy. Why am I thinking of this now? I don’t know, honestly, but anyway… I would already feel better if I could go as quickly as possible to my second home (Groningen) and just stuff myself with stroopwaffles, or drown my sorrows in a bottle of Palm. But going to Lisbon and stuff myself with Pasteis de Belem and drown my sorrows in Moscatel would be infinitely better.

nome da foto.JPG
View of river Tejo from somewhere in Chiado, Lisboa.

PS- I just remembered now that my dream could mean that I feel like a foreigner in my own country. Buahahhahahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Olá Anocas!! :-)

Sorry, ainda nem te agradeci a tua participação na nossa lista, mesmo não podendo partilhar connosco aquele dia tão especial!!
Felizmente correu tudo muito bem e estou muito feliz!! :-) =:o)
Agora é a adaptação à vida de casado, o tempo que diminui drasticamente com todas as tarefas que temos para fazer, etc, etc... depois conto melhor...

Mas queria mandar-te só um beijinho muito especial... acho que a tua "doença" se chama mais "saudade"!
We miss you too!! :-(
Só te posso dizer que estás longe mas não estás esquecida e ainda bem que sempre vai dando para saber notícias tuas por aqui...

Lembraste de quando estavas na Holanda escreres mal daqueles tipos todos, etc!? Acho que estavas na fase de adaptação e agora acho que estás a passar pelo mesmo! Mas isso vai passar e vais ficar bem melhor...

Um beijinho grande,

11:23 AM  
Blogger lique said...

A menina está com saudadinhas, mas a baralhação já começa a ser grande entre Portugal e a Holanda ou, pelo menos, Groningen.
Cá por mim, Portugal será sempre o país pequenino (em tudo... :() mas lindo que me faz falta quando cá não estou. Mas nunca estive tanto tempo noutro local.
Acho que tudo se vai compor e vais acabar por saber o que é que cada um destes locais é para ti. Mais tarde. :)

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bem... definitivamente o trabalho não está a correr nada bem... ou não haveria espaço para estas melancolias... mas a verdade é que se em 6 meses não reportasses um episodio deste então algo ia muito mal... Nada é perfeito, nem as pessoas nem os lugares, mas o que guardamos melhor são as coisas boas dos lugares e das pessoas e ainda bem q assim é para podermos ler post destes e sentirmos que ainda es um bocadinho tuga e não te converteste por completo ao "cidadanismo mundial"

6:26 PM  
Blogger puta_madre said...

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3:06 PM  
Blogger smallworld said...

Ehehehe... I'm reaching the following conclusion, mobiles are tougher than cars. See... if you dropped a car from the equivalent distance on its head, it would definetely break. But mobiles, they're the Incredible Hulk of technology. Maya, today I met another turkish guy, a real "papasito"... My oh my... I'm looking forward to that week!
Guys, thanks for all your support... I'll be home soon!

3:46 PM  
Blogger Aniek said...

*snif**snif**snif* that was really beautiful what you wrote. and *snif* also because I feel ashamed that I only foudn out now that there was a new post and *snif* because ( not the-I-want-to-leave-but the-missing-habits-long-coffebreaks-part)it sounded so familiar and *snif* because I'm leaving the country of Denmark at the moment and this made me realize that I also might start to feel the smae about here and most of all *snif* because I realized that these long coffee breaks are still way ahead in time, and that I will be back at our so beloved biological centre in three days. But that just won't be the same because Ana is somewhere on the other side of the world...but anywyay, that also means that things are getting closer, july isn't that far and trust me, once you start writing the report you suddenly are walking with your ticket on the airport of Houston, waving all the texans goodbye. And maybe then you might start to feel a little regret as well. and a lot of proudness, because you did it! and your doing it now! your are surviving among all the texans and living there and that is something to be proud of, and something you will look back to as an achievement. Hang on and see you soooooooon lots of love Aniek

3:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm, assim ainda tenho mais saudades...

mas senti um quentinho quando vi que a foto que escolheste para ilustrar este post de saudades de Groningen mais que saudades de Lisboa foi uma das que tiraste naquele belo passeio que demos as duas por Lisboa, uma tarde muito bem passada, muito divertida, como gostaria de ter mais contigo...

Beijos da portuga que gostava de te ter de volta!

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo Ana, what's up????

4:09 PM  

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