Saturday, June 17, 2006

Don't cry for me, Texas...

I think this will be my last entry in Houston, Texas. I predict hard times ahead, trying to write my report at the same time as collecting my last results. The first obstacle to surpass is this horrible laziness… After weeks in which my life was all about amoebas, I finally start to have some time for other things that I should use to write my report, but honestly… I feel more like going shopping. And this is bad, specially because I don’t have the money for that.
Well… It’s time to make a summary and draw conclusions from my experience here in Houston. As usual for me, what thrilled me more about this place, are the people that I’ve met. And now start the first goodbyes. I already said goodbye to Marco, and Italian friend, great company for tango and great photographer, and I said goodbye to Rodrigo, who in these past few weeks had won the title of Best Roommate in the World, for services ranging from wake up calls to free therapy. I can't even imagine saying goodbye to Clea, we've become very good friends very quickly, which for me is a weird thing, and now I wonder "do I really know her only for 6 months?" cause it seems like a life time. Clea, I will most likely see again, there are already plans of visiting Sicily (this is the best part of international frienships - free housing all over the world!!), but the rest are people I’ll probably never see again, and this really upsets me. That’s why one of the lessons I learned here is that I never want to leave the people I care about behind again. At least, let’s all stay on the same side of the Atlantic Ocean, how about that?!
The professional experience was also very… hmmm… fruitful. It taught me many things. First, that the Netherlands, and Groningen in particular, is an excellent place to do science. Second, that difficult people are not impossible to deal with. I learned I am good enough and strong enough to deal with whatever I set my mind to. It’s just a matter of how much I like to suffer… Eheheh. Not much, actually. I also learned in a very practical way how important it is to have a good relationship with your supervisor, and to trust this person. This, I also have in the Netherlands, where my supervisor is someone that I admire deeply and that understands me perfectly. Finally, I learned that some things will always look better in theory than in practice. Work with Dicty is one of them. It’s a bitch.
All in all, it may sound like these 6 months were a waste of time. But no… I really needed to see for myself, and now I know better what I want, and that’s extremely important. I also learned that sometimes, the glitter that you see just around the corner is only that… glitter. Nem tudo o que luz eh ouro… I’ve learned how to feel content with what I have back home. It’s AOK. I can’t tell you how happy I am with that.
Then, last but not least, I learned tango. Ah, you may think I’ll give up on that, but I’ve been checking out where I can do it in Groningen and guess what… there are tango nights at Huis de Beurs, one of my favorite little corners of Groningen! I may have to give up on the close embrace tango, because close embrace with 2,00 m tall dutch men is not quite the same thing… Let’s all keep our imagination to ourselves…
One last thing… I’ve been looking at my results and although they show something different than what I had expected (what a surprise…..) I think I see an interesting pattern there… So, who knows, maybe this WAS a fruitful experience after all!
More news perhaps soon, perhaps in 3 weeks, already from the other side of the ocean, and perhaps in Portuguese, as I still get complaints that English is such an impersonal language, yada, yada, yada… But then again, to keep updated with the people I met here, I’ll still have to write in English! Ah. Offfffffff… decisions, decisions.


Blogger Unknown said...

Curioso, agora que me instalei definitivamente em Groningen, um dos primeiros locias que descobri e que me agradou de imediato foi exactamente essa Huis de Boers... Muito bom Capuccino e um belo Apelgebak.

Vais estar por Portugal ou vens para ca?

10:24 AM  
Blogger smallworld said...

Ah, sempre foste para Groningen? Ora, entao ate daqui a tres semanitas! Nao vou pisar solo portugues ate Outubro, em principio.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Filipe said...

Eu voto no inglês.

3:39 AM  
Blogger aquelabruxa said...

e eu estou a gostar de ver a selecção dos estados unidos jogar! nem sei se já foram apurados ou "arrumados" mas acho que jogaram bem, apesar dos cartões vermelhos, enfim, esqueçamos isso, gostava que eles passassem aos oitavos de final :)

5:48 AM  
Blogger puta_madre said...

Não acho que o inglês seja impessoal, pelo contrário. Enfim, cada língua tem as suas particularidades que a tornam especial, com excepção talvez do neerlandês :P Peço desculpa aos holandeses mas é a minha opinião. Talvez um dia venha a descobrir as maravilhas desta língua mas tenho sérias dúvidas :)
E pronto, lá vais tu pegar na tua "mala de cartão" lolll. É uma porra que só venhas a Potugal em Outubro mas o que tem que ser tem muita força :( Eu por cá continuarei à espera da minha mana Globe Trotter.

6:11 AM  
Blogger lique said...

Já sabes que eu voto sempre no português mas isto quem tem amigos pelo mundo :)) tem que fazer concessões.
Então e a impressora? Foi ou não foi? :)

7:48 AM  
Blogger lique said...

Esqueci-me: Portugal-Holanda, no domingo, a não perder! A ver se esprememos a laranja! :))

7:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oi Ana, desculpa usar o blog para isto, mas descobri que nao tenho o teu mail. Podes mandar-me um mail (para para ficarmos mais contactaveis. Afinal, vamos ser praticamente vizinhos.

3:07 PM  
Blogger Aniek said...

hi ana! owow, how familiar these words are. The last weeks feel strange, enstranging even ( >>is this dutch-english?), saying too many goodbye's and realizing that you might see some people again, but never in the same setting as you met or are now. It is very strange, but part of the experience as well and has its charm, believe me. I am really happy for you to hear that you found so close friends in the end, that you are positive about the experience ( told you! ;) and that you had good results as well! when do you come back exactly? do you step into the plane at the 7th or arrive at the 7th? ( intermezzo:and do I have to tell citybox to stop the contract? please let me k now, becaus ewe have to do that 2 weeks in advance.) last but not least....The Match grrr...pfff...actually I don\'t say anything about it....only that the beautifuil orange country I returned to two weeks ago is now grey and rainy and the streets are bold and people are sad....thanks portugese...:(...look forward to see you again anyway ;) hug and enjoy every moment there between the typing and statistics!

6:39 AM  
Blogger A. said...

Então boa viagem e até breve.
Groningen espera por ti. Groningen não sei, mas eu espero. E o Huis de Beurs é tb dos meus preferidos ;)

12:24 AM  
Blogger aquelabruxa said...

hoje estou toda emocional e este texto até me deu vontade de chorar...

1:06 AM  
Blogger aquelabruxa said...

puta madre já leste livros para crianças em holandês? são uma delícia!
eu também não gosto da língua, acho-a "racista", só os holandeses a conseguem falar com piada, qualquer estrangeiro que tente mais vale matar-se, nunca vai conseguir, mas os holandeses conseguem.
acho que a maneira mais fácil de encontrar a piada do holandês é ler um livro para putos, os autores têm um dom qualquer bem apanhado entre o humor e a fantasia e a língua combina perfeitamente com isso :)

1:12 AM  
Blogger smallworld said...

That's all I can say today :D
Because Portugal is in the half-finals of the World Cup, for the first time in a fucking century, or so it seems. And we kicked british ass, for the third time in a row (world 1998, euro 2004 and now!). Now the question is: will the french (schifosi, bastardi, stronzi e porci?) kick our ass and repeat history? Or will we get back at them? I'm still hoping for a final Portugal - Germany/Italy (I'd prefer Italy). All is possible in the world of soccer. By the way, Maya, I was so convinced my flight was leaving on saturday from here... I swear, I was gonna go to the airport on saturday only to find out I was 24h late. But someone told me that 7th July is on friday, so I'm good now. See you saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yaaaaaaaaay for R's departure! Now I won't have to sleep on the floor! I'm taking over her room, ahahahahahahaha.

3:13 PM  

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