Tuesday, September 05, 2006

New house… new house?

Ok, reasons for not writing in such a long time… I’ve been working like a dog to finish my masters on time. I moved out of the flat where I had been living these past 2 months with Maya and occasionally Sinan, and in to a small yet gezelligge room.

These were 2 very nice months. I came back here with the “I left Houston” blues, but after a couple of Palms I fell right back into my old self, with some improvements. I know more recipes now. Sicilian ones. And I have memories that no money can buy. Of sunsets watching baseball, of Ferraris and tanned middle-aged men driving them, of spanglish in every corner, of smiles and looooooooong draaaaaaaaaawn vowels. It seems almost like a dream, and a strange one indeed, but it is still there, in the back of my mind. Houston, Texas.

As I was saying, these were 2 very nice months. The high point was of course the Lowlands festival, but I hope to make a post about it when I get the pictures revealed. I hope they show more than mud. That seemed to occupy most of the weekend, somehow.
Besides Lowlands, it was really cool to live with one of my best friends. I thought it might become a bit dangerous (my first MSc project was on evolution of territoriality, and one simple way to test this would be – put 2 neurotic girls in a house and see what happens), but in the end we became even more part of each others’ family than we already were. I even managed to get a jacket from her using the same strategy as with my blood sister – wear it to exhaustion, eventually she will forget she ever owned it. It works. ;) Just kidding, Maya B. I also have to say that our domestic evenings with Amigo Sinan, watching Seinfeld and eating popcorn (well, they ate, I scorned because I don’t like popcorn), were among the best I ever had. We really had a small family going on there.

And now I’m living kind of by myself, in a small room, surrounded by stuff!! I always thought I had too few things, when I lived in a huge classroom, now I have too many…That’s relativity for you. The moving went exceedingly well, it only took 40 minutes in total to load and unload my ten boxes and additional junk to my new room, thanks to my helpers (people I bribed with beer/threatened with physical injury/etc).


Bad side of new room: it’s on the top floor. This means that running to the bathroom (on the bottom floor) may result in a life-threatening situation – we are talking about dutch stairs, ladies and gentlemen. Now I think about how desperate I really am before going down 3 flights of stairs. “Do I really need to go?… Maybe I can hold it in.” It’s a bother. But hey, better than nothing. And it’s pretty close to the city center, now I walk to the shops, muahahahahah. I share bathroom and shower, but I have my own kitchen. Well, a kitchenette. Or more like the granddaughter of a kitchenette. Kitchenetteje. It works, ok???? Nothing wrong with being small. Gotta go, I leave a picture of the view I have from my window of the Martini Toren.



Blogger A. said...

Welcome to the neighbourhood :)
And good luck with finishing the movement. Well'i moved 2 months ago and I still have some boxes around the house.
Beijinhos and see you today?

4:34 AM  
Blogger smallworld said...

Oh vizinha! Ja esvaziei as caixas, mas elas ainda ocupam um certo espaco, mesmo vazias... Ate loguito!:)

5:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tou com uma duvida de holandes... Não é Martini Tore? Martini Toren seriam torres, no plural, não é?

É que não espalhes na net que existem torres em Groningen que eu volto para aí 6a feira e dispensava levar com um ou dois aviões na cabeça...

Vejo-te por aí

9:04 AM  
Blogger smallworld said...

Pois, agora tambem me instalaste a duvida... mas sempre que me dizem o nome da coisa dizem martini toren. Mas relaxa, a unica coisa parecida com atentado em Groningen eh o frikandel do Febo. Nao sei se nos encontramos tao cedo, porque quinta da proxima semana vou para a Turquia por uma semana (por falar em atentados... bate na madeira... livra!). Mas provavelmente vamos "bump into each other" nos corredores de Haren, mais uma vez! Ate a vista!

7:34 AM  
Blogger Filipe said...

1 - I was absent of day to day internet life during the last three weeks. While in any other blog I'm litteraly hours reading posts to see what every one has been doing, in your blog I have only one post. WoW :)

2 - Esperar por ter as fotos reveladas??? Mas em que mundo é que tu vives?

3 - Me gusta mucho leer lo que escribes. Joder, haces algo más que viajar y cambiar de casa? Yo tambien quiero vivir asi (pero ni muerto voy a paises con alta probabilidad de terrorismo, como si yo no viviera en españa y bla bla bla. jeje)

4 - A menina tá in love por middle aged men driving ferraris?????? Hummmmm

5 - Tá quase na minha hora de sair do trabalho.
Beijokas e fico à espera de próximos posts

9:51 AM  
Blogger smallworld said...

Que eh que posso dizer... Sou uma mocita ocupada, ou melhor ERA!! Sou agora nao oficialmente mas na practica uma mestra em Biologia Evolutiva! Yyyyyyyhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Doutoramento, aqui vou eu...*Snif* (lagrimas de emocao, ou entao de sofrimento...)

2:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah! I've seen that tower with me own eyes!


So new house? New room! I see you, baby. Cause I'm in the same situation. How do you manage is a question I ask myself so many times. Here I am all depressed cause I'm far away from home and you get along so well! And have fun and a social life! I envy you for making the most of being abroad, hell girl, you make it your home wherever you are!

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he, so agora vi tantos colegas!

vou ver uns blogs novos! ai vou vou!

12:12 PM  
Blogger smallworld said...

Lenita, Lenita, I feel the same way soooooo many times. And when I first got here I missed Portugal so much that I thought I would go crazy. All of us who are far from home feel that way, specially when we have very strong attachments, like you do, but having fun and keeping our minds busy sometimes makes us think that we don't miss home. Wroooong. But like my sister told me, I think the secret is to make your heart your home, and carry with you all the time the precious feelings that make you feel welcome wherever you are.

1:48 AM  
Blogger aquelabruxa said...

that way of living (room on the top floor, toilet three floors down) sounds all too familiar...
hum... running on empty... i used to watch that film when i was depressed... it made me cry and smile and dream... that was my favourite depression movie, as well as erin brockovich... :)

4:33 AM  
Blogger smallworld said...

Aquelabruxa: ik ook... And the morning after River Phoenix died I watched it and cried . Chuifff...

2:58 PM  

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